There are many things that you can do to improve your mood. From yoga to socialising with friends to eating a healthy meal, these activities can be incorporated into your daily or weekly schedule to lift yourself up.

Another thing that can enhance your mood is mood lighting. A simple change of colour can have a big impact on your emotional state. In fact, a study that used lighting technology to monitor the mood of elderly people revealed that a cosy ambience was more effective at creating calmness and reduced anxiety amongst the elderly. But it’s not just the elderly that can benefit from mood lighting: It’s for everyone.

Here's what you need to know about improving your mood with colour.


white table lamp



Mood lighting is essentially where you use lighting to create an atmosphere. There are many examples of this. Turning off the main light in a room and switching on a desk lamp can create a softer, cosier atmosphere. Dimming the lights in a room can also create a warmer atmosphere that helps you to feel more relaxed.

Another more modern way to improve your mood with colour is through smart LED colour-changing lights. These lights can be controlled via an APP on your phone, where you can pick from a selection of different colours like pink, blue or yellow. Many people like to adjust the lighting in whatever room they are in; this is usually the living room or the bedroom.



Colour can have a big impact on your mood. For this reason, colour is often used in early childhood to encourage a child’s learning and development. Colours are associated with objects, places, activities, and feelings. In short, we learn a lot from colours.

Different colours can represent and influence how we feel. Many of us associate the colour red with feelings of anger, urgency, or danger. Whereas blue is often associated with sadness, calmness, and tranquillity.

Of course, colours can have different meanings to different people. No two people are the same, therefore, no two people will have the same experience with mood lighting. That’s why it’s important to experiment with colour to find what works for you.



These colours are frequently associated with positive feelings and emotions. Experimenting with colour can help you discover your own mood boosting colours.


yellow YELLOW

Yellow is a fun, bright colour that reminds people of the sun. This colour is often associated with joy, happiness, and new beginnings. You will often find yellow in nursery settings, since it’s viewed as a very positive colour. Yellow lighting provides a warmer glow in the room, which can help to make you feel more energised and positive.


pink PINK

Pink often connotes love, affection, and tenderness. Pink lighting can help you to calm down and relax, making it perfect for the evenings.


purple PURPLE

Purple is said to be great for sparking creativity, making it a great choice if you’re planning a big move or starting an activity. Purple lighting can help you to relax and unwind, which can prepare your mind and body for sleep.


blue BLUE

While blue can be associated with sadness, it can also be associated with relaxation and safety. Blue lighting is said to calm people down and aid in getting a better night’s sleep. If you are feeling agitated or restless, try adjusting the lighting to a cool blue.


green GREEN

The colour green often reminds us of nature and healing. Green connotes many different feelings and sensations: growth, calm, optimism, wealth, new beginnings, peace. It’s been linked to enhanced concentration and understanding. Adjusting your lighting to green can inspire you to take new steps in your life and motivate you to finish a project.


orange ORANGE

As a mix of yellow and red, orange is seen as a bold, vibrant, and powerful colour. Orange represents energy, excitement, and endurance. This bold colour is a great choice for nurseries. In addition to that, orange lighting can inspire you and spark your creative side.



There are no ‘bad’ colours so to speak, but some colours might be more favourable than others. In addition to that, some colours are more effective at different times of the day. For instance, orange and yellow can make you feel more alert and energised, which makes them more suitable for mornings, but not so great during the evening when you’re trying to unwind. Blue and purple lighting can be great at helping you to relax and unwind, which is great for the evenings, but not as great in the morning or afternoon.



One of the easiest and most effective ways to adjust the colour in your room is with smart technology. Smart LED lighting can be controlled with your smartphone at any time of the day at a touch of a button.

But how do you decide what colour to use? Well, this will change depending on the time of the day and how you are feeling.



Early in the morning, you might be drawn to orange, green or yellow lighting. These colours can make you feel more energised and help you to feel more motivated throughout the day. If you work from home or spend most of your mornings at home, you might find yourself feeling sluggish in the morning or during the early afternoon. Choosing a bright colour like yellow can make you feel more alert and improve your mood.



Mood lighting can be used to enhance your mood if you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or irritable. Choosing pink or purple lighting can help you to feel more relaxed, which can have a great impact on your overall mood and wellbeing.



Similarly, if you are struggling to unwind in the evening or having trouble with your sleep, blue or purple lighting can help. Blue lighting can calm a restless mind and improve your quality of sleep.

You can adjust the lighting to suit the time of the day and what emotional state you are in. You might need to experiment for a while to determine what colours enhance your mood the most.



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